5 Fishing Vacation Destinations that Non-Anglers will Love

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The Secrets Of Tarpon Fishing


When figuring out areas a tarpon swims you need to take this into consideration along with the tides.
So when you make your cast, you must anticipate where the fish will be in 20 feet and deliver the fly to that spot.
When casting at strings of fish, I like to position the boat where my angler can take a shot at the first fish on a direct line.
When the fish can’t see the fly land 10 feet in front of them, it’s OK to be more aggressive, but you still don’t want to drop the fly right on their nose.
It’s best to give them a 6- to 8-foot lead and be ready to work the fly as soon as the fish comes up behind it.
If the fish are rolling fast and swimming, lead them more and cast in an angle that allows your fly to cross the tarpon’s path as they approach.
If the fish are rolling slowly and going down, look for bubbling close to where they last rolled and put the fly close to it.
When it’s overcast and windy, I find that tarpon tend to swim shallower and, in a protected area, roll later into the day.
If I cant find this situation, I look for basins sheltered from the wind where I can get shots at rolling fish.
When coming into an area to look for rolling tarpon, be patient and use caution if there’s already another boat fishing.

The Los Cabos Billfish Tournament Is 20 Years Old


This year, the Los Cabos Billfish Tournament celebrates its 20-year anniversary of promoting billfish catch and release and its support of a top sport-fishing destination: Los Cabos, Mexico.
With advancements in photography, the tournament will utilize a streamlined catch, video and release system to determine billfish releases.
As part of the tournament’s 20th anniversary celebration, the tournament will take the next step to make billfish releases a bigger part of top team determinations.
“Going forward, the point system will be 300 points for blue and black marlin releases, and 50 points for striped marlin, sailfish and spearfish releases,” says tournament director Dan Jacobs.
“Weighed blue or black marlin meeting the 300-pound minimum will receive one point per pound in the team division.
All undersized marlin brought to the scales will be penalized 300 points, plus two points per pound the fish is underweight.” The tournament will continue to offer optional jackpots, including daily billfish release, daily largest marlin, overall billfish release points, daily heaviest tuna, wahoo and dorado, as well as the largest marlin of the tournament.
The Los Cabos Billfish Tournament will offer amateur teams an opportunity to enter the daily meat fish jackpot or the daily billfish release jackpot in lieu of the base entry fee.
The Los Cabos Billfish Tournament has set the industry standard with its participant-focused format and provides the highest return of team entry fees.
“For that, we are extremely grateful.
We look forward to our anniversary event and the next 20 years.”

Remember What It Was Like To Fish Like A Kid?


When we finally reached the bank of the spillway, I gathered up my charges: four freckled, tow-headed boys, jabbering with excitement, all hyped up on soda and candy, rods at the ready.
We’d stopped at the convenience store for nightcrawlers, where the kids begged for drinks.
But then, what the heck, I figured, it’s summer, and you’re only 9 years old once.
Next, we picked up bobbers at the Five & Dime, which has an entire aisle devoted to novelty candy.
I insisted that they all share just one package—so they chose a complete gummy meal, with gummy cheeseburger, gummy hot dog, gummy fries, and gummy condiments.
We walked right past the ice-cream shop on the way to the water, but I had to stand my ground somewhere.
At the spillway, on a muddy bank, the boys caught one bluegill after another, faster than I could unhook them, untangle lines, and take pictures.
It was chaos.
Then, to each of their main lines, I tied a dropper and added a Hare’s Ear Nymph from a fly box in my vest.
The madness doubled as the boys hauled in fish two at a time.

New Underwater Camera Small as a Smartphone


More to the point, the pocket-sized camera showed anglers exactly what was happening beneath the surface, live.
On the eve of the fishing industry’s ICAST show, Aqua-Vu is set to unleash its most affordable, portable underwater camera yet: the micro 4.3 Stealth.
“The viewscreen on the micro 4.3 Stealth screen is noticeably brighter and sharper than our previous entry-level underwater camera,” says Aqua-Vu president Ben Gibbs.
The camera optics received a substantial boost in resolution, providing greater detail and picture quality, amplifying discernment of vegetation, fish and baitfish down to identification of mussel shells.
Even in dark or dirty water, IR lights still make it possible to discern underwater terrain in front of the lens.
The smartphone sized micro Stealth camera features waterproof magnetic charging and tripod ports for attaching to a Pro Snake mount.
Aqua-Vu engineers enhanced the unit’s power and video output system, adding a new magnetic dual battery charging / RCA video-out port.
“The monitor has a female coupler that I connect to a portable Pro Snake mount—clamps anywhere I want it, right beside my sonar screens.
Aqua-Vu is just as valuable in my boat as it is in my ice fishing house.” micro® Stealth 4.3 Handheld Underwater Viewing System: 4.3-inch color LCD with integrated cable wrap Rechargeable lithium-ion battery with on-screen indicator Magnetic battery charger 50-feet ruggedized camera cable with depth indication Advanced LCD and camera optics Adjustable Trolling Camera Fin & clip-on weight IP67 Waterproof RCA Video Out Available at major outdoor retailers late this summer, the new Aqua-Vu micro 4.3 Stealth Underwater Viewing System carries an economical retail price of $229.99.
For more information, visit www.aquavu.com.

Bushnell Trail Camera Review


It’s the Trophy Cam HD Aggressor 20MP No-Glow.
It’s easy to use and hasn’t given me a lick of trouble in the months that I’ve been using it.
Even though the black LED flash is “no glow,” deer and other animals sometimes appear to take notice of it… but as far as I can tell, they don’t seem as concerned about it as on full-glow or even low-glow cameras.
Manufacturer Specs Model: 119876C Wireless Connectivity: No Resolution: 20 MP PIR Sensor: Low/Med/High/Auto Night Vision Flash: 48 Black LED / 80ft LCD Display: B&W Text LCD Date/Time/Temp/Moon Stamp: Yes GPS Geotag: Yes Power Supply: AA (4-8) Solar Compatible: Yes Batteries: 4 or 8 AA, Energizer lithium recommended Battery Life: Up to 1 Year Video Resolution: 1920x1080p Video Length: Up to 60s SD Card Capacity: 32 GB, Sandisk brand recommended Field Scan 2X: Yes Audio Record: Yes Hybrid Capture: Yes Shipping weight: 1.2 pounds This camera is easy to set up, and I had no trouble getting it running.
It’s large enough to use with gloves on, and the fact that it’s a draw type latch makes it easy to open in relative silence without jolting the camera.
The SD card is also easy to access.
Hybrid capture mode will take a full-resolution photo followed by a full-rez video each time the camera is triggered.
If you’re looking at a large field where some activity may be out of range, you can use a time lapse setting to automatically take photos — and you can set two “windows” of time for this (say at dawn and dusk).
Final Thoughts The Bushnell Trophy Cam HD Aggressor 20MP No-Glow camera is a good trail camera, in fact I think it’s the best I’ve ever had.
Menu setup was easy enough, and I had it set up and taking photos of nocturnal predators in no time.

Anglers For The Cure: 4th Annual KDW Fishing Tournament


West Palm Beach, FL – It’s more than a fishing tournament.
This is the time, to take advantage of this gift to you.
Next > Prostate Cancer is not an old man’s disease anymore.
More men are being diagnosed in their late 40’s and early 50’s.
Last year, we saved 2 men by having this test available to them.
West Palm Beach, FL – It’s more than a fishing tournament.
More men are being diagnosed in their late 40’s and early 50’s.
Last year, we saved 2 men by having this test available to them.
More men are being diagnosed in their late 40’s and early 50’s.
Last year, we saved 2 men by having this test available to them.

Stay Hydrated on Hunting, Fishing, and Scouting Trips


Here are some tips for staying hydrated on long treks through public lands: Pack plenty.
Count on a minimum of two quarts – four pounds – for a long day afield.
Drink before you are thirsty.
Drink plenty before the outing and have water waiting for you when you return.
For longer trips, particularly in hot, windy, or humid weather, you may need to supplement that with salts and other minerals.
Your body needs fluids when air temperatures are cold, but cold water may be unappetizing.
Lightweight insulated bottles keep hot drinks warm.
Modern packs have hydration systems, which have several advantages over water bottles and canteens.
With the drinking hose, water is readily at hand without shedding your pack.
Drinking beer under the hot sun only makes dehydration worse.