Search by location, species, operator type or by operator name.

Not sure what the different Operator Types mean? Click the '?' next to 'Filter by Operator Type'.

If you’re looking for a specific operator, just click the [=] and type in their name.

If you know the city or state you’d like to go to, you can enter it to filter your results.

You can also use the map to narrow your search results.

Over 150 species are listed on the site. If you filter your results by species, you’ll see all the operators listed that have tagged their profiles as providing hunting or fishing adventures that include that species.

Over 150 species are listed on the site. If you filter your results by species, you’ll see all the operators listed that have tagged their profiles as providing hunting or fishing adventures that include that species.

You’ll also see pictures, descriptions and record information for each species.

Perhaps you want a local’s perspective? No problem. Just search for and message other Fin & Field sportsmen.

We’ve compiled state information links as well as tournaments and shows within those states. Once you’ve narrowed your location to a specific city or state, you’ll see the regional resources section appear on the left of your screen.

Planning a trip and want to save Operator profiles to review and compare later? Just add them to your 'Favorites'.

Planning a trip and want to save Operator profiles to review and compare later? Just add them to your 'Favorites'.

Planning a trip and want to save Operator profiles to review and compare later? Just add them to your 'Favorites'.

Get the inside scoop. Read reviews by sportsmen like you and help others by posting your experiences.

Operators have listed over 2,000 adventures on their profile pages. See what packages are offered and click “Book It” to request more information.

Want to follow the latest activity from Operators? It’s easy!

Want to follow the latest activity from Operators? It’s easy!

Ready to book your trip? Just submit your online booking request.

Prefer to speak to them directly? Dial the toll free number at the top of their profile.

Once you’ve submitted your booking request, you and the operator can post messages back and forth to each other about the trip.

Easily access your upcoming or past booking requests.

Share photos from your adventures on your Fin & Field profile page.

What’s the next adventure you’re planning? Follow and message other sportsmen to get ideas.

Respond and keep track of conversations in your message center.

Want to help other sportsman and share your experiences? Post reviews of Operators you’ve booked with.

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