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Striperfun Guide Service Overview About

Lake Cumberland in Kentucky:  Lake Cumberland is over 100 miles long (average depth 120 feet) with over 50,000 plus acres of crystal clear water loaded full of big Stripers!  It is one of the largest manmade lakes in the world!   I have fished Lake Cumberland over 50 years. 

StriperFun offers day trips on Lake Cumberland year round (weather permitting) with availability for up to 16 fishermen per day.  We use only the freshest live Gizzard and Alewives shad, as well as natural indigenous lake shiners and suckers (and a variety of my own brand of artificial lures to cast and troll with)!  In the late summer through early fall months, we use Captain Jim Special artificial lures on slide divers and downriggers to target suspended schools of fish holding in up to 100 feet deep over the river and creek channels.

The Stripers in Lake Cumberland must be 22 inches long to keep them.  Each fisherman can keep two (2) Stripers.  There is no catch and release allowed by KY law!  Lake trips are 6 hours (or until you catch your limit – we are required by law to stop fishing once the limit is caught).

Hold your control key down and then click here to watch my most recent TV show on Lake Cumberland Striper fishing:

The Cumberland River:  We also offer trips year round on the Cumberland River for “world class” Striper in Tennessee!  It is not uncommon to see 40 or even 50 pound Stripers pulled from the beautiful waters of the Cumberland River in TN.  We fish the Cumberland River from the Kentucky border all the way down 60 miles near Celina and Gainesboro then to the Cordell Hull dam (this is the Cordell Hull pool).  We also fish the Old Hickory headwaters below the Cordell Hull dam down past Carthage, TN.

This fishing is not for the faint of heart however!  These big fish hit like freight trains, making long powerful runs in the constantly flowing waters of the river! 

The Stripers are much larger in the Cumberland River system in Tennessee then in many waters.  Per the Tennessee Wildlife Board, there is an average of over 15 Stripers caught annually in excess of 50 pounds and 40 pound fish are not uncommon.  The smallest fish we generally catch daily is over 3 feet long!  These fish prefer high protein Rainbow Trout and also fight the current all day, making them much heavier and strong than lake fish. The TN State record is 65 pounds and was caught right where we fish!

Your trip is a six (6) hour charter. Our fishing is "catch and release" only on the Cumberland River for these big stripers.   In the cold waters of the Cumberland River, the caught fish survive very well and can be released unharmed.

The average size Trout we use for bait is 8 to 15 inches long (“yes” the Stripers in the Cumberland River are large enough to eat a 15 inch or larger piece of bait!).  When a big river Striper comes after a Trout, the Trout will be tail dancing all over the surface trying to get away.  Sometimes the “dance” will last half a minute (as you watch the big predator circling the prey!) until the Striper finally gets the Trout then its “Kabam”!!  The rod gets yanked down and the reel is screaming!   We use large rods, heavy duty reels, 50 pound test line and titanium hooks!

Also, click here to view just some of my recent Cumberland River trips videos:




My company Tennessee Walleye Charters also provides fabulous Walleye and Sauger fishing on Dale Hollow Lake and on the Cumberland River, in Tennessee.

Cumberland River Walleyes and Sauger:  Tennessee Walleye Charters stays  busy fishing for Walleye and Sauger on the Cumberland River near Gainesboro, Tennessee all winter long, beginning in November and running through April!   The beautiful flowing waters of the Cumberland River are loaded full of big fish. The Cumberland River is a world class Sauger and Walleye destination!

Be sure to book your November through April Walleye and Sauger trips on the Cumberland River. You are really going to love this exciting way to fish this beautiful river!

Dale Hollow Walleyes:  Tennessee Walleye Charters offers fishing for Walleyes on Dale Hollow Lake!  Dale Hollow Lake is located on the Kentucky / Tennessee border.  Dale Hollow is a deep cold water lake that is known for the world record smallmouth Bass.   A little known secret is that Dale Hollow Lake also has a huge population of Walleye!  It is these delicious eating fish for which Tennessee Walleye Charters provides guided trips!

The Walleye fishing begins in May through the spring and summer until October (annually)!  We mostly troll or fish under the lights at night but also provide bottom bouncing worm trips during the days.

Cherokee Lake:  Cherokee Lake in Eastern Tennessee covers 30,300 acres, is 59 miles long and has 463 miles of shoreline.  Fish densities in Cherokee Lake are greater than most of the other TVA Reservoirs due to the high level dense forage base of Threadfin Shad, Gizzard Shad, and Alewife.  Cherokee Lake is noted for big Stripers, but is also “loaded” with big fat “Hybrid” Stripers as well!

The Striper and Hybrid fishing is simply off the chart! 40 and 50 fish days are frequent (TN allows catch and release!), with a limit of 2 keepers per fisherman! 

StriperFun offers day trips on Cherokee Lake year round (weather permitting).  We use fresh caught live Gizzard and Alewives shad, as well as a variety of my own brand of Captain Jim Special artificial lures to cast and troll with!  We troll Captain Jim Special artificial lures on slide divers and umbrella rigs to target suspended schools of fish.

The Stripers and Hybrids in Cherokee Lake must be 15 inches long to keep them.  Each fisherman can keep 2 Stripers or Hybrids.  Lake trips are 6 hours.

Contact us at 931-403-2501 or

Striperfun Guide Service Adventures Adventures

Cumberland River Adventures
TN Walleye Charters
Cherokee Lake

Striperfun Guide Service Boats Boat

24' Alweld boat with Atlantic Tower, Mercury power
Captain Jim
2015 Alweld
24.0 ft
Max Passengers:

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Striperfun Guide Service Equipment Gear

Name Description
Johnson Outdoors Humminbird products, Minn Kota, Watercraft Recreation
Mercury Marine Manufacturers of outboard motors and MerCruiser inboard engines, with over 4000 dealers in the United States. Captain Jim relies on Mercury!

"It has always been my private conviction that any man who puts his intelligence up against a fish and loses had it coming."

- John Steinbeck