Book This Trip: Fishing or Hunting Full Day
Brooks Fishing & Hunting Outfitters

Brooks Fishing & Hunting Outfitters: Fishing or Hunting Full Day

1-2 people 3 people = $500 4 people = $600 5 people = $700 Disclaimer Statement: All fishing or hunting trips being booked require 50% of the cost of whatever trip being booked upfront as the deposit or trip can be paid for in full is welcomed, too. All deposits put forth towards any fishing or hunting trip....are non-refundable no matter what! Cancellation of any booking.....(A) Has to be done at least 10 days before the date of the trip is to be run. (B) Capt. Robert Brooks retains full and sole control of all discretions be made over rebooking a trip, excepting or not excepting a cancellation, honoring or not honoring full payment for trip that was booked by any client and at any time. (C) Payment in full is due the day of the trip, paid in cash or check only, for those that put up a deposit only to book that trip. Full payment is also expected if cancelled trip is not waived or honored by Capt. Robert Brooks' discretion ONLY !



