Mountain Lion
Hunting the Apex predator

Those that have done it will tell you that there is nothing like trailing a pack of hunting dogs as they sound off, chasing their quarry across the landscape. While it’s exciting enough waiting for beagles to push a rabbit toward you, it becomes a much greater thrill when the animal they are following has the capability of hunting you. We’re talking about the pursuit of Mountain Lion, with a pack of highly specialized and trained hounds.

Mountain Lion habitat is as rugged as they are, and these felines have a home range as large as 200 or so miles. Mountain Lions can’t be baited, and spot and stalk techniques on these stealthy creatures are all but futile. The best, and the only reliable way, to chase these outsized cats are with an outfitter that has a field-proven team of dogs. These hunting dogs have been bred not to fear Mountain Lion, and have noses that can pick up the faintest scent. They won’t stop the chase until the lion is treed, and you have dispatched it. Your heart beat will rise as you approach the pack, the barking getting louder with each step, letting you know you are inching closer to the Lion.

You have more than a few options if you are interested in this exhilarating hunt. A surprising number of Western states allow Mountain Lion hunting. Arizona, Colorado, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, Wyoming, and Utah have tags available for residents and non-residents alike. These states are also steeped in outdoor tradition, with many of their inhabitants making a living off of the land in one way or the other. Many of these guides are also ranchers that work the range year-round, so they know the land more intimately than you may know your own backyard. Going with one of them not only tilts the odds in your favor, but also ensures you get out of the rough topography in one piece. The intrepid souls that have taken part in this adrenaline-charged hunt will tell you that there is simply nothing like it.




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