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Arctic Rivers Guide Service Overview About

August, September Arctic Alaska hunts for 2020, 2021

2019, was the first time since 1979 that NW Alaska Grizzly bear hunting did not require a drawing permit. The Grizzly population has risen to the point that instead of one bear every 4 years, hunters are allowed to harvest one bear every year. Severe bear predation has reduced the moose population resulting in closure of moose hunting to all but Alaska residents. The Western Arctic Caribou Herd, which we hunt, is estimated at 300,000 and increasing.

Arctic Rivers Guide & Booking Service has been conducting guided hunts from the same location since 1972. Based in a comfortable 2-story lodge with solar power & sauna we have vacancies for August & September, 2020 & 2021.  Our booking dates are Aug.18-29, Aug. 29-Sept.09, & Sept. 9-21 2020 & 2021. We could modify those dates. Grizzly, Caribou & Wolf are all open for the entire time of each booking (Wolverine opens Sept.1) & no drawing permits are required. We prefer 2 or 3 guests per booking. 10% deposit will hold reservation for 2021 & future years.

Since 1984 our guest hunters have received 65 awards for first, second or third place trophies in the annual (APHA) Alaska Professional Hunters Association/Safari Club International Big Three statewide competition. This is the highest number of awards per number of guests of all guiding outfits in Alaska. We’ve taken top 3 ranked Grizzly, Black Bear, Dall Ram,Caribou, Moose, Wolf & Sitka Blacktail Deer. 32 of these outstanding animals were caribou, 7 were for Grizzlies & 4 were for wolves. The lodge is located in an ideal hunting area. Most animals are taken within one mile or less from the lodge.

In addition to Grizzly bears - Barren Ground Caribou & Wolves can be hunted on the same booking. Wolverine opens Sept.1.Please see our website:

The annual limits in our area are: 1 Grizzly Bear, 1 Caribou, 20 Wolves, 1 Wolverine.

So, come join us for an August or September hunt in the pristine, remote Arctic. Come take part in new stories of hunting the wild Arctic.

Jake Jacobson, Alaska Master Guide #54

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"The perils of duck hunting are great - especially for the duck."

- Walter Cronkite