G. A. Miller and Robert Clark guide year round for stripers that reproduce almost too well on Lake Texoma and need to be harvested for the dinner table. Live bait is the most productive method to catch stripers, and is what they use the majority of the time.. However, G.A. and Robert fish with various types of lures when they are working best. There is nothing more exciting that a huge striper blowing up on a top water lure in the summer, and fishing slabs and jigs can be a blast as well. G.A. and Robert guarantee success whatever the method, for both beginners and experienced anglers alike..
G.A. Miller and Robert Clark are licensed professional fishing guides with over 60 years combined experience fishing Lake Texoma. With their expertise and friendly attitudes your group is sure to have an unforgettable fishing trip. They furnish all of the bait and tackle on each guided trip so all you have to do is get to the lake and let them take care of the rest. You’ll never forget fighting that big striper into the boat!
"Last year I went fishing with Salvador Dali. He was using a dotted line. He caught every other fish."