Irish Knots Sport Fishing Photos Photos

Irish Knots Sport Fishing Overview About

Fishing Lake Ontario for Trophy Salmon and Trout, Fishing Oneida Lake and surrounding smaller lakes for Northern Pike, Walleye & Bass....

In the fall we hunt with our Top Quality German Shorthaired Pointers for Waterfowl and Upland Birds

Irish Knots Sport Fishing Adventures Adventures

Irish Knots Lake Ontario Charter
$600.00 to $800.00
Oneida Lake and surrounding lakes
$350.00 to $500.00
Waterfowl Hunts
$200.00 to $400.00
Upland Hunts
$100.00 to $400.00

Irish Knots Sport Fishing Boats Boats

Irish Knots
Capt. Chris
Salmon River Light House
2005 Parker
26.0 ft
30.0 mph
Max Passengers:
Lil Knots
Capt. Chris
2007 Alumacraft
18.0 ft
40.0 mph
Max Passengers:

Irish Knots Sport Fishing Reviews Reviews (1)

I first met Captain Chris roughly two years ago at the Cabelas in Harrisburg PA. We struck up a conversation and I discovered he shares my passion for fishing. Our company was recently looking for a way to reward a few of our top employees and we thought about setting up a charter. We contacted Chris and set a date. We had four adults plus my 14 year old grandson. We each landed two fish. The atmosphere on the boat was like fishing on my own boat with my buddies- lots of laughter and kidding around. Chris and his crew worked very hard to make sure we had a fun day. Captain Chris is an awesome host who knows the lake and its fish. I would highly recommend him to anyone who is thinking about chartering out on Lake Ontario.

Irish Knots Sport Fishing Equipment Gear

Name Description
Reels Shimano
Fishing Rods Diamondback Casting Rods on the Lil Knots
Fishing Systems Traxstech Fishing Systems, Rod Holders Down Riggers etc
Spoons Fishing with Yeck Lures!
Warrior Lures Fishing with Warrior!!!

"Be patient and calm - for no one can catch fish in anger."

- Herbert Hoover