The Karen Lynn is New England’s premier sport fishing charter boat, specializing in Bluefin Tuna, Monster Striped Bass, Cod and Haddock, and Sharks. The custom-built 43 foot Carol Lowell design, which was launched in 2007, is a state-of-the-art fishing machine. It is fast, extremely seaworthy, and has the latest and most sophisticated electronics to help us consistently put you on to big fish. Captain Collin MacKenzie and our experienced mates, will consistently find and raise big fish. Please contact us to book a trip on this fishing machine with our experienced captains. The Karen Lynn is conveniently located at the Cape Ann Marina, 75 Essex Avenue in Gloucester, MA. See you on the water!
"The solution to any problem –work, love, money, whatever –is to go fishing, and the worse the problem, the longer the trip should be."