L'il Toot Charters Photos Photos

L'il Toot Charters Overview About

L'il Toot Charters

Captain John Rainone
I am a licensed Masters-100 ton U.S.C.G. Captain and have been a charter boat captain for over 35 years. I have experience in catching every species of fish from flounder to giant blue fin tuna. I have been known to grab my fishing rod and sneak in-between my customers to wet a line and catch a few fish. I do this because I love to fish, and enjoy being out on the water where every day brings fun, excitement and memories of great times shared between my customers, my mate and myself.

Fishing We offer 1/2, 3/4 and full days. Twilight and Night trips. Inshore or Offshore fishing for Cod, Striped Bass, Blues, Fluke, Sea Bass, Scup, Blacks, Bonito, Mahi-Mahi, Shark, and Tuna. Combination fishing trips can be easily arranged for you. Expert anglers, novice fishermen, or family trips are all welcome.

CruisingCruise to Block Island, Newport, Narragansett Bay, or other ports of call. Sailing times & places are arranged individually with you! Cruise to see the Tall Ships or cruise to Martha's Vineyard! Special Birthday Celebrations, and Bachelor/Bachelorette Parties can be easily arranged. You can just enjoy the day cruising or you can fish or stop and enjoy a swim

DivingDive the Airplane, German Sub, or the many wrecks and reefs in our local, Newport and Block Island waters.

TournamentsWe are available for tournament fishing like the Snug Harbor Tournaments, the Block Island Billfish Tournament, and the Oak Bluffs Shark 

Corporate chartersCorporate charters are welcome and we can arrange whatever foods and beverages you would like onboard. We can also arrange hotel rooms if needed. If your party has more than six people we can accommodate you with additional boats as needed. We also can provide you with gift certificates for Xmas, Father's Day, Mother's Day, Birthdays or any special occasion.

Ash BurialsFor those who want to honor their loved ones that requested being scattered over the sea. We will sail at least 3 miles out to Federal Waters to commit your loved ones ashes, and flowers or wreaths. A certificate with exact location of the burial will be provided to the family.

L'il Toot Charters Adventures Adventures

1/2 Day Fishing Trip
3/4 Day Fishing Trip
Full Day Trip
Twilight & Night Bass Trips

L'il Toot Charters Boats Boats

L'il Toot
John Rainone
Custom J.C. Sportfisherman
35.0 ft
Max Passengers:
L'il Toot
Capt. John
St. Pier Galilee
1984 JC
17.0 mph
Max Passengers:
L'il Toot
Capt. John
State Pier Narragansett
1984 JC
17.0 mph
Max Passengers:
L'il Toot Charters Services


L'il Toot Charters Policy


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L'il Toot Charters Equipment Gear

Name Description
Penn, Shimano, Avet, Abu Garci Reels, Star and Custom made rods
Avet Avet Reels, superior quality American made lever drag fishing reels.
Abu Garcia Abu Garcia, Fishing Reels, Low Profile Reels
St. Croix Saltwater bait and casting rods.
Ugly Stick Ugly Stik Is the world's best selling fishing rod series by Shakespeare. Ugly Stik are not expensive but take a beating.
Shimano I use their offshore 50's and 80's.They have superior drags Shimano Fishing North America is the leading manufacturer of high quality fishing gear.
Lamiglas Fiberglass and graphite saltwater, and fly rods
Penn I use Penn Jigmasters, 4/0's & 6/0's and spinning reels, as well as International 30"s and 130"s for big game.
Star Rods I use Star rods for the majority of my fishing species. Fluke, Sea bass, Tautog, Stipers, Porgies, Bonito, & School Tuna

"In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is."

- Yogi Berra