Wapiti Waters Fly Fishing Montana With Jack C. Mauer Photos Photos

Wapiti Waters Fly Fishing Montana With Jack C. Mauer Overview About

Wapiti Waters Fly Fishing Montana Jack C. Mauer, Montana Fly Fishing Outfitter #867, has more than a 30 year investment in fishing, floating and wading the waters of western Montana. He is intimately acquainted with the surrounding fisheries and their corresponding ecologies. It is his passion and enthusiasm for the art of fly fishing, a respect and knowledge of trout habitat, and the ability to expertly instruct the technical aspects of fly fishing that clients appreciate as they return to western Montana and Wapiti Waters.

Wapiti Waters Fly Fishing Montana With Jack C. Mauer Adventures Adventures

Bitterroot River in western Montana
Clark Fork River in western Montana
Blackfoot River in western Montana
Big Hole River in western Montana
Camping options

Wapiti Waters Fly Fishing Montana With Jack C. Mauer Boats Boats

Wing inflatable raft
Jack C. Mauer
2015 Wing Inflatables
Max Passengers:
Koffler drift boat
Jack C. Mauer
2010 Koffler Boats
Wapiti Waters Fly Fishing Montana With Jack C. Mauer Policy


Wapiti Waters Fly Fishing Montana With Jack C. Mauer Resources


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Wapiti Waters Fly Fishing Montana With Jack C. Mauer Equipment Gear

"If fishing is a religion, fly fishing is high church."

- Tom Brokaw