The ubiquitous Canada goose, Branta Canadensis, is found across North America, from high Canadian arctic breeding grounds to wintering sites in northern Mexico. There are many subspecies of Canadas, yet they all look very much the same with black head and neck, white chinstrap, and light tan to brown bodies. Size and location distinguish the different subspecies, with Branta canadensis maxima, the giant Canada goose, being the largest. While it’s hard to believe today, Canada numbers had been historically low through the 1970s and 1980s, leading to reintroduction of giants well into the 1990s. Various subspecies and hybridized subspecies now call many American city parks, golf courses, and suburban lawns home. Canadas are the most widely hunted waterfowl species in the U.S. In most states the season is split in two: an early resident bird window in September, and a later regular season for migrators. Resident birds are those Canadas that have moved into an area year-round. Migrators still make the flight from the arctic south every fall, and return again in the spring to nest. Nearly all of the problems many communities face with increased Canada numbers are attributable to resident birds. As a result, the September season will often have bag limits of 15 or more birds per hunter, meaning a well organized team of wing-shots can implement some important, and fun, population control.